tags: percent

tags: percent
We found 68 post available for you

Water saving toilets

Geometry Math and Science Ratio and Proportion Data and probability
     How much water is used? How much water could be saved? For Adventurer members we have an editable Word docx and solutions with added world-wide information.

Immigration numbers

Algebra Math and Social Studies Ratio and Proportion Data and probability
Here's an opportunity to work with calculating percents and the percent changes in the U.S. immigrant population. Students can reflect on what those changes demonstrate. Start your class with this ...

Uh oh! Am I going to run out of data?

Algebra Ratio and Proportion Data and probability
Let your students consider the graphic first individually and then in groups of your choosing before handing out the activity sheet. This might be an excellent beginning-of-the-year, get-to-kn...

Should I get the Big One?

Algebra Math and Food Ratio and Proportion
  Let your students decide if the BIG one is a fair deal.    Which size will they get?  Which size offers the most value?  Make a guess, then do the math.

Proposed southern border wall

Number Sense Math and Social Studies Current events Ratio and Proportion
You have probably heard about the proposed border wall that may go up along the U.S./Mexico border.  How much wall needs to be built? How much will that cost? What is that per mile? Per foo...

$10,000 a week or $10 million all at once?

Algebra Number Sense Math and Social Studies Ratio and Proportion Wow factor
This activity is accessible to student elementary through high school with varying depth of study. Would you rather have $10,000 a week or $10 million all at once? What kinds of things do we nee...

Are these really 70% off?

Algebra Number Sense Ratio and Proportion
We ran into this sale online. Is that advertisement correct?  Do they just want us to believe their math and not question what is really 70% off?  Is everything or...

Pokémon GO! I should have invested

Algebra Number Sense Current events Ratio and Proportion Data and probability
Pikachu Pokémon GO is all the rage.  News reports show people glued to their smart phones as they travel to nearby landmarks where virtual critters appear and need to be caught ...

Double Discount

Algebra Number Sense
   Wow, check out this sale!  I'm gonna be able to get this great hoodie so cheap!   If I use the promo code what will be the total percent off?

How did they figure these tips?

Number Sense Math and Social Studies Math and Food
  Act I:  This restaurant bill has the suggested tips, but they are smudged out.  What should they be?  Consider having students make a fast 5 to 10 -second prediction in th...
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