tags: Volume

tags: Volume
We found 29 post available for you

How many gumballs are there?

Number Sense Geometry Math and Food Data and probability
Gumball Machine Problem from Brian Marks on Vimeo This problem is a little puzzle to get your students thinking, estimating, and calculating. We've given you a pdf file w...

Penny Wars anew

Geometry 3-act tasks
Act One: Check out all of the pennies! What questions come to mind? If you want the most money, which container should you pick? What information do you need to answer this...

Do caffeinated drinks have similar amounts of jolt?

Geometry Math and Science Math and Food Ratio and Proportion
We found this interesting caffeine infographic at visual.ly. Wonderings? How many McDonalds coffees do I need to get the same amount of caffeine that I would get i...

Monster cake

Number Sense Geometry Math and Food Ratio and Proportion
Jodie Berman, a high school math teacher in Chicago, loves mathematics and loves to cook.  We've created an activity based on her Monster Cake (composed ...

Ramen noodle heist

Number Sense Geometry Math and Food Ratio and Proportion
In 2018, a truck trailer was stolen from a parking lot in Georgia. The trailer was filled with Ramen noodle packages and its contents were valued at $98,000. What do you wonder about this heist?&...

Largest coffee, new world record

Algebra Number Sense Geometry Math and Food
The world record for the largest cup of coffee was recently set (see picture above).  In this activity students explore scale, similar figures, volume and measurement as they estimate the...

How long would it take to build this underground house and pool?

Algebra Number Sense Geometry Math and Social Studies 3-act tasks
The building of this underground house and pool was presented by Cayote Person and his partner, Mark Lavins, on their youtube channel, "Brave Wilderness." At BraveWilderness.com the busin...

Huge Key Lime pie

Number Sense Geometry Math and Food Ratio and Proportion
More for π Day!   On a cold and snowy day in Boston, two chefs created a huge Key Lime pie to remind the frozen people of the Northeast how tasty and warm the Keys of Florida are. ...

Macy's Thanksgiving Parade 2019

Algebra Number Sense Geometry Holidays and Annual Events
 As we get ready for next week's holiday, students can study a map of the annual Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade, describe, measure and hypothesize why this route was chosen and then calculate...

BIG Snickers bar

Algebra Geometry Math and Food 3-act tasks Wow factor
  Act 1 - Big question = How many times bigger than a regular Snickers bar is this? What info would you like to know? How are you going to judge how much bigger this ...
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