Have a heart

2023-11-20 09:44:35

Have a heart


Clicking on the image above will show the heart larger in a new window.

Canstruction® is an event hosted in more than 150 countries throughout the world to demonstrate "innovation, hunger relief  and collaboration".  Canstruction has raised more than 40 million pounds of food since 1992.  What a great cause and organization!

In this activity students use reasoning and approximation to analyze the number of cans of food contained in this one giant heart.  Consider starting out the activity by showing students the picture of the heart and doing a see - think - wonder questioning.  What do you see? What do you think? What does it make you wonder? 

 Within this kids can make a gut guess as to the number of cans making up the exhibit.  Keep a record of guesses or at least a rough average and range of the guesses.  Then move onto to showing the video.  The purpose of the video is to give students more information as to the number of cans.  Finally, have groups share their solutions, either through a jigsaw, a gallery walk or whole class sharing.

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Comments (1)
Admin - 2024-02-04 09:24:36
Teacher Testimonial - "So I felt like the students (and me) just needed a day of some good critical thinking and problem solving. Enter Yummy Math’s “Have a Heart” problem. Such an accessible problem for every student, yet it led to fantastic discussions between students as they attempted to estimate how many cans made up the structure. It ended up being everything I hoped it would be. Really great stuff!!!"- John Mahlstedt, Middle School Math Teacher @jdmahlstedt
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