We have 2 activities to support this silly, but awesome holiday -- National Donut Day (June 5th) :
How much have donuts changed?
Students become fam...
Beaches are starting to open again. Bring summertime smiles and hopes to your class with this activity.
Towel project by Misael Soto.
Act One: Check out this beach towel! Wh...
Check out our Christmas Tree! We need to buy lights for the tree. Without calculating, guess how many feet of lights we will need. What information would help you t...
In this problem based activity students first guess and then try to calculate whether they will have enough paper to wrap this present without taping pieces of wrapping paper together.
Act One: Check out all of the pennies! What questions come to mind?
If you want the most money, which container should you pick?
What information do you need to answer this...
This is being updated. Stay tuned!
With the subscription, you can still access the previous version of this activity by clicking solutions & supporting materials. ...
Act One: Drill bits are measured by the diameter of the bit in inches. The drill bits below are ordered left to right in increasing size. The numerators in the fractions have been black...
Act One: Check out the video slide show. What questions do you have? Suggested Question: How many different ways can I stack Jack? That is, how many different color arrangements...
Lorenzo Quinn, an Italian sculptor, created and temporarily installed this piece of art entitled "Support" in Venice. Quinn used his own children's hands to design this piece. His in...
Act 1 - Big question = How many times bigger than a regular Snickers bar is this?
What info would you like to know?
How are you going to judge how much bigger this ...