Ratio and Proportion Home Genres Ratio and Proportion Genres Algebra 379 Number Sense 467 Geometry 179 Math and Science 142 Math and Social Studies 137 Math and Food 124 Sports 105 Holidays and Annual Events 128 Movies and Entertainment 7 Suggestions 1 Blog news 13 Math and Art 52 Current events 133 Ratio and Proportion 273 3-act tasks 54 Data and probability 227 Funny 21 Wow factor 40 Any time math 22 Grade 2nd 3rd Number & Operations, fractions - 3.NF - 3.NF.1 - 3.NF.3 Number & Operation, base ten - 3.NBT.2 Measurement & Data - 3.MD - 3.MD.1 - 3.MD.5 - 3.MD.6 4th Operations & Algebraic Thinking - 4.OA - 4.OA.3 - 4.OA.4 - 4.OA.5 Number & Operations, base ten - 4.NBT - 4.NBT.3 - 4.NBT.4 - 4.NBT.5 Number & Operations, fractions - 4.NF - 4.NF.1 - 4.NF.2 - 4.NF.3 - 4.NF.4 Measurement & Data - 4.MD - 4.MD.A - 4.MD.2 - 4.MD.3 Geometry - 4.G - 4.G.1 - 4.G.3 5th Operations & Algebraic Thinking - 5.OA - 5.OA.1 - 5.OA.3 Number & Operation, base ten - 5.NBT - 5.NBT.1 - 5.NBT.2 - 5.NBT.3 - 5.NBT.5 - 5.NBT.6 - 5.NBT.7 Number & Operation, fractions - 5.NF - 5.NF.1 - 5.NF.3 - 5.NF.4 - 5.NF.6 - 5.NF.7 Measurement & Data - 5.MD - 5.MD.1 - 5.MD.3 - 5.MD.5 Geometry - 5.G - 5.G.1 - 5.G.2 6th Ratio & Proportional relationships - 6.RP - 6.RP.1 - 6.RP.2 - 6.RP.3 The Number System - 6.NS - 6.NS.1 - 6.NS.2 - 6.NS.3 - 6.NS.4 - 6.NS.5 - 6.NS.6 - 6.NS.7 Expressions & Equations - 6.EE - 6.EE.1 - 6.EE.2 - 6.EE.3 - 6.EE.5 - 6.EE.6 - 6.EE.7 - 6.EE.8 - 6.EE.9 Geometry - 6.G - 6.G.1 - 6.G.2 - 6.G.4 Statistics & Probability - 6.SP - 6.SP.2 - 6.SP.3 - 6.SP.4 - 6.SP.5 7th Ratios & Proportional Relationships - 7.RP - 7.RP.1 - 7.RP.2 - 7.RP.3 The Number System - 7.NS - 7.NS.1 - 7.NS.2 - 7.NS.3 Expressions & Equations - 7.EE - 7.EE.1 - 7.EE.2 - 7.EE.3 - 7.EE.4 Geometry - 7.G - 7.G.1 - 7.G.2 - 7.G.3 - 7.G.4 - 7.G.6 Statistics & Probability - 7.SP - 7.SP.1 - 7.SP.2 - 7.SP.3 - 7.SP.4 - 7.SP.5 - 7.SP.6 - 7.SP.7 - 7.SP.8 8th The Number System - 8.NS.1 - 8.NS.2 Expressions & Equations - 8.EE - 8.EE.1 - 8.EE.2 - 8.EE.3 - 8.EE.4 - 8.EE.5 - 8.EE.6 - 8.EE.7 - 8.EE.8 Functions - 8.F - 8.F.2 - 8.F.3 - 8.F.4 - 8.F.5 Geometry - 8.G - 8.G.6 - 8.G.7 - 8.G.8 - 8.G.9 Statistics & Probability - 8.SP - 8.SP.1 - 8.SP.2 - 8.SP.3 - 8.SP.4 High school Numbers and Quantity - HSN - HSN.RN - HSN.Q Algebra - HSA - HSA.SSE - HSA.CED - HSA.REI Functions - HSF - HSF.LE - HSF.IF - HSF.BF - HSF.TF Geometry - HSG - HSG.SRT - HSG.GMD - HSG.MG Statistics & Probability - HSS - HSS.ID - HSS.IC - HSS.CP - HSS.MD We found 2 post available for you That's a big tomato! Algebra Number Sense Geometry Math and Food Ratio and Proportion These Aussi tomatoes (the tomato on the left of all of the tomatoes) are huge. How much do you guess one weighs? Can you figure it out? Huge diamond found in Canada Number Sense Geometry Math and Science Ratio and Proportion Data and probability 552-carat diamond found in Diavik Mine, Northwest Territories, Canada Can you tell just how big this gem is? Do you know how big a carat is? What would this look like on a ring on you... Display 1 - 2 Of total 2