Ratio and Proportion


We found 3 post available for you

Does an NFL player's draft order mean a lot for the player?

Algebra Sports Ratio and Proportion Data and probability
Updated! This Thursday, April 27th, college football players will be awaiting knowing their futures in the NFL.Every spring, roughly 250 college football players are drafted by NFL teams throug...

Bowling Deals

Algebra Number Sense Sports Ratio and Proportion Data and probability
Is there a general way to figure how much its going to cost you (and your friends) to go bowling? Should you pay per game?  Or bowl per hour?  Don't forget that you'll need to rent sho...

Will the new iPhone sales be huge?

Algebra Ratio and Proportion Data and probability
Apple just announced their new, 10th anniversary, iPhones, the iPhone 8 and the iPhone X.  These phones will soon be in stores, the iPhone 8 comes out on September 22, 2017. The iPhone X is ava...
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