Number Sense


We found 32 post available for you

Mathematical Gift Wrapping

Algebra Number Sense Geometry Holidays and Annual Events 3-act tasks
šŸŽšŸŽIn this updated activity, students will use math to explore two methods of wrapping gifts, including the mathematical method demonstrated by S...

Candy Count: Which Bag Holds the Most Candy

Number Sense Geometry Math and Food Holidays and Annual Events
šŸŽƒLeverage your students' Halloween enthusiasm with this activity, where theyā€™ll calculate the volume of various trick-or-treat bagsā€”ranging from rectangular prisms to spheres, ...

What is a quantum dot?

Algebra Number Sense Geometry Math and Science Current events Ratio and Proportion Wow factor Any time math
 In this activity, students work through the nomenclature to understand the possibilities of nano science and quantum dots.  Questions that are answered; How many nanometers are in a millime...

Heating with wood - What's a cord?

Algebra Number Sense Geometry Ratio and Proportion Any time math
Do you know what a cord of wood looks like? What size stack is that? What's a thrown stack? What's the dog's name that is standing in front of the wood? How long can I heat my house with that much fue...

Lego Fireman +

Number Sense Geometry Math and Science Math and Art Any time math
At the Toys R Us store, we saw an amazing LEGO creation. Ā He was a life-sized LEGO fireman with a walkie-talkie, an oxygen tank and even an oxygen...

200 people

Number Sense Geometry Math and Science Math and Social Studies Ratio and Proportion 3-act tasks Data and probability Wow factor Any time math
Show your students the video and have a discussion! What do you notice?Why did someone create this GIF?What's the point? For Adventurer members we have our solutions.

Wheel of Theodorus

Algebra Number Sense Geometry Math and Art
Bring a little art into your math class as you begin to use the Pythagorean theorem and your students first meet irrational numbers. For Adventurer members we have an editable Word docx and s...

Daylight savings time

Algebra Number Sense Math and Science Current events Ratio and Proportion
Updated and improved! Is Daylight savings time helpful?  How does it make you feel? "Spring forward, fall back" Early Sunday morning, March 12th at 2 am, we change our clo...

How many gumballs are there?

Number Sense Geometry Math and Food Data and probability
Gumball Machine Problem from Brian Marks on Vimeo This problem is a little puzzle to get your students thinking, estimating, and calculating. We've given you a pdf file w...

How big of a crepe can you make?

Algebra Number Sense Geometry Math and Food Ratio and Proportion
At Costco you can buy this huge tub of nutella.  It contains nearly 7 pounds of chocolaty-hazelnut spread. We use nutella to make banana/nutella crepes.  How long will that tub last u...
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