tags: proportion

tags: proportion
We found 43 post available for you

The drag in swimming - More Olympics activities

Algebra Math and Science Sports Current events
 To win in Olympic swimming, contestants have to be incredibly fit and have marvelous endurance and technique.  Do they also need to consider the science of their motions and the...

How much is a trillion dollars?

Algebra Number Sense Math and Social Studies Ratio and Proportion
U.S. Congress is now debating how much money to approve on spending for infrastructure.  The numbers are between 1 and 3 trillion dollars. I can't even fathom that amount of money.  Is the...

Do caffeinated drinks have similar amounts of jolt?

Geometry Math and Science Math and Food Ratio and Proportion
We found this interesting caffeine infographic at visual.ly. Wonderings? How many McDonalds coffees do I need to get the same amount of caffeine that I would get i...

Crazy basketball score

Algebra Number Sense Sports Current events Ratio and Proportion Data and probability
Wow! Look at that score! There were some scoreboard malfunctions in this December 15, 2020, pre-season game.  What might have been the final score if this game progressed at this rate? ...

The new largest Lego set ever - The Roman Colosseum

Algebra Number Sense Ratio and Proportion 3-act tasks Data and probability
Note: This is a remake of our 2014 and 2017 activities "How Much Does a Lego Cost?". How much could the Roman Colossem Lego set cost ? Student first make a guess and then think about what ...

Not enough mashed potatoes

Algebra Number Sense Math and Food Holidays and Annual Events
Using his famous mashed potato recipe, Brian has asked students to change decimals to fractions, to calculate ingredient measures for various-si...

Sadly, Jorge passed away yesterday.

Algebra Number Sense Ratio and Proportion Data and probability
He was a great dog!  We wondered how old he was in human years? Jorge has been part of YummyMath for a long time. Sadly, yesterday he died.  We wondered how old he would ...

Mixing colors with food dye

Number Sense Math and Food Holidays and Annual Events Math and Art
It's time to dye eggs! What do you wonder about these recipes (See the activity) for coloring? What would happen if I used the wrong recipe (i.e. cake mix instead of egg dying) for co...

Largest coffee, new world record

Algebra Number Sense Geometry Math and Food
The world record for the largest cup of coffee was recently set (see picture above).  In this activity students explore scale, similar figures, volume and measurement as they estimate the...

Does it pay to get educated?

Number Sense Math and Social Studies Ratio and Proportion Data and probability
 Why should students do well in school, graduate high school, or go on to college?  In this activity median earnings by various education levels are explored.  Students compare t...
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