tags: graphing

tags: graphing
We found 14 post available for you


Algebra Number Sense Math and Science
  I'm trying to be more savy about wasting our resources.  I have really old fashioned toilets and I'm trying to figure out if I should invest in saving water.  Can you help me? For...

How Much is a Tweet Worth?

Algebra Number Sense Math and Social Studies Sports Ratio and Proportion Data and probability
These days it seems everyone is on social media. Are you? Famous athletes and entertainers are on social media and they can make a lot of money.  In this activity students study how ...

A parametric heart ... with love

Number Sense Geometry Holidays and Annual Events Math and Art
This post is being updated and will be posted before February 6th, 2025. Adventurer members can still access the old files by clicking the solutions & supporting materials.  ...

Valentine's Cardioid

Geometry Holidays and Annual Events Math and Art
WojciechSwiderski at the Polish language Wikipedia Happy Valentine's Day!     This PDF contains four ways students can draw cardioids for Valentine's Day. There is no solu...
Display 11 - 14 Of total 14