tags: exponent

tags: exponent
We found 13 post available for you

Growth of Facebook update

Algebra Number Sense Ratio and Proportion Data and probability
Facebook is so accepted in our world today that it is even part of nightly news broadcasts as people are noted for receiving huge numbers of likes in appreciation or interest. Mark Zuckerberg, the f...

Lifespan of a meme, the Harlem Shake

Algebra Number Sense Math and Social Studies Data and probability
Five friends who skateboard and video tape made up a strange dance one afternoon and filmed it on February 2nd (look it up on youtube!).  Now the whole world knows them and their da...

Fast Growing Plant

Algebra Number Sense
This activity/post is a little different than are usual posts.  We look at a particular math concept and consider how to use context, models and CCSS math practices to increase stud...
Display 11 - 13 Of total 13