tags: candy

tags: candy
We found 9 post available for you

The size of chocolates

Number Sense Geometry Math and Food Holidays and Annual Events
In this activity students assume that all of our pieces of chocolate are about the same thickness and proceed to approximate their volumes by comparing only their surface areas.  Consider sh...

Collecting the most candy

Number Sense Geometry Math and Food Holidays and Annual Events
Use your student’s Halloween enthusiasm to do a study on volumes.  We’ve created an activity that asks students to calculate the volume of candy containers that are silly and intriguing. ...


Number Sense Math and Food Holidays and Annual Events Data and probability
How many Peeps are sold at Easter time each year? Students estimate the number of Peeps sold each Easter season.  They consider reasonability by making guesses they think might b...

Candy deals

Number Sense Math and Food Holidays and Annual Events Ratio and Proportion 3-act tasks Data and probability
We found big mixed bags of candy at really good prices ... we think. Students are asked to decide which would be the best deal and the worst deal on candy.  They can also create t...

How much chocolate is left?

Algebra Number Sense Geometry Math and Food Ratio and Proportion
In this short activity, students reason and calculate what is left of these chocolate bars.  The bars are the same size but are molded into different number of sections.  Which one has...

Operation Gratitude – Halloween candy buy back

Algebra Number Sense Math and Social Studies Math and Food Holidays and Annual Events Ratio and Proportion Data and probability
This is a great idea! Motivate kids to get rid of all of that candy for a good cause. Operation Gratitude and dentists are encouraging healthy eating, motivated giving, and offering a goo...

Holiday candy sales

Algebra Number Sense Holidays and Annual Events Ratio and Proportion Data and probability
Which holidays are associated with candy? For which of those holidays is the most candy sold? What percents of annual candy sales does each holiday contribute? Consider using some in...

Which Sweet Hearts are the Best Deal?

Algebra Number Sense Math and Food Holidays and Annual Events Ratio and Proportion
 I have been doing a little shopping for Sweet Heart Candies. I came across these three deals online.  Which should I select?    In this activity students determine w...

Big gulp

Algebra Number Sense Math and Science Math and Food
Do you or your students love sugary drinks?  What if it were against the law to order a large sugary drink where you lived?  On September 13th, 2012 the New York City Health Department ban...
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