tags: radius Home tags: radius Search Tags: 1 6.EE., coronation, luge, relative sizes, percent, under construction tags: radius We found 2 post available for you Happy Pi Day Holidays and Annual Events 6 Activities for π day! Click on the download pdf button at the bottom for the activities. For adventurer memebers, we have the... Data and Probability measurement circumference pi circle radius diameter long division 7.G.4 accuracy hat size 8.NS.1 G-C.2 6th 7th HS 5th The size of chocolates Number Sense Geometry Math and Food Holidays and Annual Events In this activity students assume that all of our pieces of chocolate are about the same thickness and proceed to approximate their volumes by comparing only their surface areas. Consider sh... estimation food Volume mean radius estimation chocolate candy 3.MD.5 3.MD.6 6.G.1 7.G.4 7.G.6 6th 7th 5th 3rd 4th Display 1 - 2 Of total 2