tags: average

tags: average
We found 13 post available for you

The LEGO transit time

Number Sense Math and Science Data and probability
In this updated activity, students will explore the math behind an unusual study: how long it takes to pass a LEGO head through a body? They'll calculate time intervals, convert...

Big bucks 2023

Number Sense Sports Ratio and Proportion Data and probability
Updated! When soccer great, Lionel Messi played for Barcelona, he had one of the highest paid contracts of any athlete in the world.  He had a $674 million dollar 4-year contract. Canelo Álv...

AQI - Air Quality Index

Number Sense Math and Science Math and Social Studies Current events Data and probability
The AQI is a measurement of how much particulate matter, dangerous ozone, carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide and sulfur dioxide there is in the world's atmosphere at any one time and place. This W...

Checking in on LeBron

Number Sense Sports
Now the that season is underway let’s check in on how Cleveland and the Lakers are doing since LeBron changed teams. LeBron is arguably the best player in the NBA and a tremendous addition to a team...

Jackie Robinson

Algebra Math and Social Studies Sports Data and probability
April 15th, 1947 was a date to remember.  Jackie Robinson became the first African-American baseball player to play in Major League Baseball since the game was segregated in the 1890s. Robinson...

Cost of hosting Olympic games

Algebra Math and Social Studies Sports Ratio and Proportion Data and probability
Hosting the Olympics sure does cost a lot. Why is that? How much money is $5 billion dollars? What is a cost overrun? Why would a country want to spend that much money to host and Olympic Game...

Will college be affordable?

Algebra Number Sense Ratio and Proportion Data and probability
Whether you or one of your siblings is going off to college next fall, it is useful to know how much colleges cost.  Not going to college this fall? No worries, we can use the informa...

How Many Pennies did Otha Save?

Number Sense Geometry 3-act tasks Data and probability
Otha Anders used picking up pennies as a way to remember to pray.  In this 3-act activity we try to estimate how much he actually collected and stored in 5 gallon water jugs. This ...

What's with the plovers?

Algebra Number Sense Math and Science Ratio and Proportion Data and probability
Cute little birds.  Piping plovers are nesting on beaches along the Atlantic coast. Consequently beaches are often roped-off or closed to protect their nests and chicks. Is this conservatio...

Season 12, American Idol

Number Sense Holidays and Annual Events Data and probability
Let your student study American Idol viewing figures over the last eleven seasons. Students compare historical season premier and season finale audience size in several different ways to determi...
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