tags: SuperBowl

tags: SuperBowl
We found 4 post available for you

Typical Super Bowl scores

Algebra Number Sense Sports Data and probability
Updated for 2023! In this activity students study historical Super Bowl data to reflect on average (mean, median, and mode), losing scores, winning scores, and range of scores. They ...

Expensive Super Bowl ads

Algebra Sports Holidays and Annual Events Data and probability
Updated again for 2022! The teams are set. Don't you wonder what a Super Bowl ad will cost this year?  Will the price for 30 seconds be more? stay the same? or drop? 2013 Doritos "Go...

Super Bowl ads and scientific notation

Algebra Number Sense Holidays and Annual Events
The Super Bowl is over now and all of the ads have been seen. Let your students revisit and reflect on the interesting commercials with this scientific notation a...

Super Bowl cheesy pretzel poppers

Number Sense Geometry Math and Food Sports Holidays and Annual Events Ratio and Proportion
  Recipe courtesy of The Slow Roasted Italian A little more delicious work for the Super Bowl.  Students follow a recipe that involves "cutting the cheese" block, figuring how many se...
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