2023-11-20 09:44:47
What time should I wake up?
What time should I wake up?
I'm going to surprise my mom with breakfast in bed for Mother's Day. She wakes up pretty early. When do I have to wake up to pull this off?
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Earth Day Actions for Our Planet (April 22)
We have 16 activities that you...
Can you show that the Pythagorean Theorem works?
Use this activity to help your students work thr...
The odds of horse race betting
Rich Strike surprised everyone at the Kentucky D...
April Fool's Day fun
This day is known for pranks and puzzles.
More Population Pyramids
The population pyramid above shows the d...
Memorial Day 2023
This Monday, Americans w...
How large a TV should I get?
Whether you are in middle schoo...
Do I have enough wrapping paper?
In this problem based activity students...
Fireworks on your calculator
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Will our U.S. flag change yet again?
How many stripes are in our presen...