How many times bigger?

2023-11-20 09:44:53

How many times bigger?

DSC_3600 Listen to students initial thoughts as they wrestle through what "bigger" means ... length? height? wheel-base? volume?

[table id=10 /]

Act One: What questions come to mind? How many times greater is the big cozy coup than the small cozy coup?
  • Make a guess.
  • Make a guess that you know is probably too low.
  • Make a guess that is probably too high.
Act Two: What additional information would be useful here? (Clicking on any of these images will let you see them larger.)

[table id=9 /]

Act Three: Solutions and teaching hints for members:  CozyCoup-solution.pdf

Sequel: The cozy coup manufacturers are making a giant cozy coupe that is roughly the same proportions as these cars.  List possible dimensions of the giant cozy coupe.

 CCSS: 7.G.1, 7.G.6, 7.RP.3, HSG.MG.A.1, MP1, MP2, MP4

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