How many athletes brought home no medal?

2023-11-20 09:44:45

How many athletes brought home no medal?

There must be a lot of Olympians who haven't brought home medals.  Probably most of the athletes that went to Tokyo didn't win a Gold, Silver, or Bronze medal.  We couldn't find any numbers about these people.  Can you figure it out from what we could find? In this activity students try to calculate data that hasn't been published by combining and sorting through information that is available in order to to draw a new conclusion. Which data is important and which is not? How many athletes have come home from the 2020/21 Summer Olympics empty-handed?

More Olympic posts:

Which events do you like to watch? (2016) - Subjective scoring?

How high can a gymnast's score be? (2016) - How gymnastics is now scored.

Swimsuit drag (2021) - Analyzing and assessing the drag of swimsuits.

Lighting the Olympic Torch.(2016) - Using a parabolic mirror to light the Olympic Torch

      Olympic Skateboarding (2021) - Why has it taken so long to become an Olympic sport?  What events will you be able to watch?  How are skateboard runs and tricks judged? Is there a possibility of bias in the judging?

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