Can Joey and Miki do it again?

2023-11-20 09:44:52

Can Joey and Miki do it again?

Updated !             

The MLE - Major League Eating is a World organization that oversees speed eating contests.

Entrants to the various competitions must be members of the MLE in order to compete. One of the most well-know annual events is Nathan's Famous Hot Dog Eating Contest  which takes place on Coney Island, NY and has been held each July 4th since 1972.

What do you wonder about this event?

What questions do you have from looking at the historical data?

How have the records changed?  Why do you think that is so?

How many hot dogs can a human possibly eat in 10 minutes?

For Adventurer members we have a spread sheet of Nathan's data, an editable Word docx and solutions.

Activity Solutions & Supporting Materials
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jarod lee Wright - 2024-06-05 00:10:31
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