2023-11-20 09:44:46
Bowl by the hour or the game?
Bowl by the hour or the game?
What should you consider when choosing how to pay? Which do you expect will be the best deal? How do you know?
For Adventurer members we have an editable Word docx, an Excel sheet, and our solutions.
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Everything Royal Wedding
Friday, April 29, 2011, at 11:00 a.m. will...
Hands of Support
Lorenzo Quinn, an Italian sculptor, created ...
Chicken to share
How many pieces does each person get when $10 is...
Opening Weekend - Avengers: Endgame
Can you tell from its opening we...
Clean Close Shave
Take a look at the infographic. What do you see? ...
Cholera in Haiti
On January 12th of 2010, there was a tremendous,...
New Pirates of the Caribbean (2017) - How profitable?
The fifth Pirates of the Caribbean movie opened ...
Let's learn to gerrymander
In this activity student first try to redistrict o...
Two 12s or one 18?
A little more pizza fun before Pi day!
Little Amal walks across the United States
With our world in so much turmoil and refugees t...