Number Sense


We found 318 post available for you

Starbucks sales (Updated!)

Number Sense Math and Food Ratio and Proportion Data and probability
Time to give students some authentic math on a topic they will surely be interested in ... Starbucks!  We ask and answer a few questions in this activity. About h...

Curiosity landed on Mars

Algebra Number Sense Math and Science
Keep your students up on what's happening in space while analyzing Curiosity the Mars Rover's speed, the speed of a radio transmission from Mars, and the deceleration involved in a "sky crane" lan...

What time is it in Cambodia?

Algebra Number Sense Geometry Math and Science
I need help!  My daughter is traveling in Cambodia and we are supposed to Skype just before her dinner time in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.  What time is that here in Boston?Let you students ...

My Facebook IPO investment

Number Sense Math and Social Studies
What is an IPO?  Are they always good investments? Students analyze charts and data, learn a little about investing, calculate percent loss (unfortunately), and make some Facebook stock proj...

The tallest structure made of Legos

Number Sense Math and Social Studies Math and Art Ratio and Proportion 3-act tasks Data and probability
Act One: The world record for the tallest structure made of Legos was set in Seoul, South Korea.  Check out this video on youtube! What other questions do you have? Act T...

Storm cleanup

Algebra Number Sense Geometry Ratio and Proportion
This activity could be used as an introduction to trig ratios.  Students figure out the approximate length of the huge branch that I have to fell for safety and firewood. After approximating ...


Algebra Number Sense Sports Ratio and Proportion
Jeremy Lin is the New York Knicks most startling player.  His story is exciting in that he graduated from Harvard in 2010 and was not immediately drafted into the NBA.  At first he was...

The Euro and the international debt crisis

Algebra Number Sense Math and Social Studies Ratio and Proportion Data and probability
Lately the news is filled with talk of the Euro, US foreign debt, the fragility of European monetary systems, and the interdependence of all of these crisis. In this activity students become fami...

Happy Birthday Statue of Liberty

Number Sense Math and Social Studies
Friday is the Statue of Liberty's 125th birthday.  Student's can practice scaling with ratios, multiplication factors, or similar figures as they engage in the news of the day, learn a litt...

Occupy Wall Street protest is growing

Number Sense Math and Social Studies
   The Occupy Wall Street (OWS) movement has grown since it began on September 17th.  Students can look at charts that show percent mentions of the demonstrations and calculate the p...
Display 301 - 310 Of total 318