

We found 106 post available for you

Is this possible?

Algebra Number Sense Geometry Math and Food
Brian Shoemaker, a Newton, MA mathematics teacher, saw this Dunkin Donuts Mazda traveling down the road.   He wondered if that size coffee cup could really have coffee in it. &nbs...

What time is it in Cambodia?

Algebra Number Sense Geometry Math and Science
I need help!  My daughter is traveling in Cambodia and we are supposed to Skype just before her dinner time in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.  What time is that here in Boston?Let you students ...

Storm cleanup

Algebra Number Sense Geometry Ratio and Proportion
This activity could be used as an introduction to trig ratios.  Students figure out the approximate length of the huge branch that I have to fell for safety and firewood. After approximating ...

Valentine's Cardioid

Geometry Holidays and Annual Events Math and Art
WojciechSwiderski at the Polish language Wikipedia Happy Valentine's Day!     This PDF contains four ways students can draw cardioids for Valentine's Day. There is no solu...

Why Does it Stay in Orbit?

Algebra Geometry Math and Science
On Monday, the space shuttle Endeavor launched for the last time. The six astronauts on board docked this morning at the International Space Station to join the 6 astronauts and cosmonauts who l...

Geometry of Flooding

Number Sense Geometry Math and Science
In 2010, March was so rainy that flooding was the topic of every newscast and many, many conversations. The picture shows how students went home from school in Wayland Mass. on Mar...
Display 101 - 106 Of total 106