Holidays and Annual Events


We found 56 post available for you

How many feet of lights should I buy for my tree?

Algebra Number Sense Geometry Holidays and Annual Events 3-act tasks
Check out our Christmas Tree! We need to buy lights for the tree.  Without calculating, guess how many feet of lights we will need. What information would help you t...

Do I have enough wrapping paper?

Algebra Number Sense Geometry Holidays and Annual Events 3-act tasks
In this problem based activity students first guess and then try to calculate whether they will have enough paper to wrap this present without taping pieces of wrapping paper together. Con...

Lots of Cranberries

Geometry Math and Food Holidays and Annual Events Ratio and Proportion
 The harvest must be nearing completion now and growers are selling their product to make cranberry juice, jelly, sauce, and of course, fresh berries in time for Thanksgiving. In this activit...

April Fool's Day fun

Algebra Number Sense Geometry Holidays and Annual Events Funny
This day is known for pranks and puzzles.   Try one of these 4 activities on April Fools Day. Ask students to analyze where I made my mistake.  PerplexingProblem.pdf CC...

Beijing Olympic Schedule 2022

Number Sense Sports Holidays and Annual Events Current events Data and probability
The Winter Olympics begins this week in Beijing. Wikipedia had this schedule of events. We think that there is a lot of information missing and apparent in this graphic. What can you tell, wha...

Lighting the 2022 Olympic Torch

Algebra Geometry Math and Science Sports Holidays and Annual Events
On October 18th, 2021 the Olympic Torch was lit in Greece.  It was lit without the help of a flame or a match.  It was lit by concentrating the rays of our Sun. From Olympi...

Super Bowl Numerals

Number Sense Sports Holidays and Annual Events
Super Bowl numbers are appearing again. As students start getting into the current Super Bowl hype, help them to understand the notation that the sports writers and advertisements a...

Wrapping presents on the diagonal

Algebra Number Sense Geometry Holidays and Annual Events
 Dr. Sara Santos is a popular mathematician and speaker on mathematics.  She has worked out a method for wrapping boxes (rectangular prisms) as efficiently as possible. (W...

2 New Macy's Parade balloons

Algebra Number Sense Geometry Holidays and Annual Events Current events Ratio and Proportion
As the Macy's Parade returns to public viewing, here are two balloons that Macy's artists have added. Can you figure out their dimensions? Macy's give their dimensions in bicycle lengths, taxi w...

Shopping season already!

Number Sense Math and Social Studies Holidays and Annual Events Ratio and Proportion Data and probability
We used to see holiday sales right after Thanksgiving but, surprisingly, holiday shopping has already begun. Sales are advertised everywhere.  Students will be able to add some understanding an...
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