

We found 216 post available for you

Fast Growing Plant

Algebra Number Sense
This activity/post is a little different than are usual posts.  We look at a particular math concept and consider how to use context, models and CCSS math practices to increase stud...

Parabolic Pee

Algebra Math and Science
Mr. Mark's new little baby can make some amazingly tall streams.   Give your class a little chuckle as you introduce them to parabolic motion with this very short analysis of Mr. Mark's baby's...

QR codes

Algebra Number Sense
   Your students have probably seen these images around and might not know why they are becoming popular for smart phone scanning ... and possibly dangerous.  Students figure out the n...

Why Does it Stay in Orbit?

Algebra Geometry Math and Science
On Monday, the space shuttle Endeavor launched for the last time. The six astronauts on board docked this morning at the International Space Station to join the 6 astronauts and cosmonauts who l...

Census is complete and Apportionment begins (2010)

Algebra Math and Social Studies
The 2010 U. S. Census is complete and state reapportionment is about to begin. The process of distributing the 435 Representatives appropriately to each state is a mathematically fascinating eve...

Chocolate Milk and Mixture

Algebra Math and Food
Image by FreepikChemistry experiments and algebra problems sometimes ask students to create percent mixtures or to change a mixture into a stronger or weaker solution by adding more of an...
Display 211 - 216 Of total 216