

We found 45 post available for you


Algebra Number Sense Math and Science Math and Social Studies Current events Ratio and Proportion
We recently watched the approach of Hurricane Barry and worried about the fate of Louisiana. After the devastation of Hurricane Katrina, what would another powerful hurricane do to this fragile ...

NHL Playoff games can sure last a long time!

Algebra Number Sense Sports Ratio and Proportion Data and probability
Revised! We're watching another Stanley Cup playoff now. Will there be any really long games during the playoffs? In 2013, a Stanley Cup playoff match between the Bruins and Blackhawks wen...

Value of a lifetime of Whoppers?

Algebra Number Sense Math and Social Studies Math and Food Current events Ratio and Proportion
Locked in a smelly bathroom for one hour and then promised a lifetime of Whopper meals🍔, an Oregon man sued BK when the manager's promise was withdrawn.  How much money should he ask for in hi...

New Horizons spacecraft just flew by a really distant asteroid

Algebra Number Sense Math and Science Current events Ratio and Proportion Data and probability
Brian May, the lead guitarist of the rock band, Queen, is also an astrophysicist and one of the science team collaborators of the New Horizons space program. The video below is the song that he wrot...

Macy's Thanksgiving Parade 2019

Algebra Number Sense Geometry Holidays and Annual Events
 As we get ready for next week's holiday, students can study a map of the annual Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade, describe, measure and hypothesize why this route was chosen and then calculate...

How fast can you run?

Algebra Number Sense Math and Science Ratio and Proportion Data and probability
Have you heard of The Six Million Dollar Man?  He was the character in a science fiction show about an astronaut that was rebuilt, bionically, after his space ship crashed.  He could run a...

Population Clock

Algebra Number Sense Ratio and Proportion Data and probability
How in the world does this clock conclude that there is a net gain in the United States of one person every 14 seconds? Have a little care about younger children when using this activity. T...

BIG Snickers bar

Algebra Geometry Math and Food 3-act tasks Wow factor
  Act 1 - Big question = How many times bigger than a regular Snickers bar is this? What info would you like to know? How are you going to judge how much bigger this ...

10 Million nematodes

Algebra Number Sense Math and Science
Nematodes Grubs are killing my grass.  I don't want to put poison into the ground.  What can I do? There are tiny roundworms called beneficial nematodes. They can kill destructive so...

Expensive face creams

Algebra Number Sense Ratio and Proportion
Who knew that creams for your face could be so expensive!  I'm going to have to rethink what to buy for my mom.  Which of these high priced cremes is most expensive? In this activity st...
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