Math and Social Studies


We found 88 post available for you

Lifespan of a meme, the Harlem Shake

Algebra Number Sense Math and Social Studies Data and probability
Five friends who skateboard and video tape made up a strange dance one afternoon and filmed it on February 2nd (look it up on youtube!).  Now the whole world knows them and their da...

Happy 14th B'ak'tun!

Number Sense Math and Science Math and Social Studies
Luckily, we’ve passed 12/21/2012 and the world is still here and we’ve made it into the start of the next Mayan calendar cycle ... the next B’ak’tun. The ancient Mayans had an interesting...

The Fiscal Cliff - sounds scary

Number Sense Math and Social Studies
We've used a graphic to help students understand what is meant by the Fiscal Cliff.  Students will understand some of the terms and study the consequences of two upcoming scenarios.   The...

My Facebook IPO investment

Number Sense Math and Social Studies
What is an IPO?  Are they always good investments? Students analyze charts and data, learn a little about investing, calculate percent loss (unfortunately), and make some Facebook stock proj...

Happy Birthday Statue of Liberty

Number Sense Math and Social Studies
Friday is the Statue of Liberty's 125th birthday.  Student's can practice scaling with ratios, multiplication factors, or similar figures as they engage in the news of the day, learn a litt...

Occupy Wall Street protest is growing

Number Sense Math and Social Studies
   The Occupy Wall Street (OWS) movement has grown since it began on September 17th.  Students can look at charts that show percent mentions of the demonstrations and calculate the p...

How many Representatives will your state get in 2011?

Algebra Math and Social Studies
The 2010 U. S. Census is almost complete. One of the most important reasons for the decennial census is to determine the number of Representatives that each state should be assigned for proper rep...

Oil Spill Tragedy

Algebra Number Sense Math and Science Math and Social Studies
As of May 28th, 2010  it is believed that the early estimate of 210,000 gallons of oil (around 5000 barrels) per day of oil leaking into the Gulf of Mexico was much too low. The flow rate was r...
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