Math and Social Studies


We found 13 post available for you

How Much is a Tweet Worth?

Algebra Number Sense Math and Social Studies Sports Ratio and Proportion Data and probability
These days it seems everyone is on social media. Are you? Famous athletes and entertainers are on social media and they can make a lot of money.  In this activity students study how ...

The Fiscal Cliff - sounds scary

Number Sense Math and Social Studies
We've used a graphic to help students understand what is meant by the Fiscal Cliff.  Students will understand some of the terms and study the consequences of two upcoming scenarios.   The...

My Facebook IPO investment

Number Sense Math and Social Studies
What is an IPO?  Are they always good investments? Students analyze charts and data, learn a little about investing, calculate percent loss (unfortunately), and make some Facebook stock proj...
Display 11 - 13 Of total 13