Math and Science


We found 31 post available for you

Total solar eclipse - apparent sizes

Algebra Geometry Math and Science Current events Ratio and Proportion
  Where will the eclipse be seen?  What if you are not in the path of totality?  Total solar eclipse?  What is apparent size?  How can the moon seem to cover the sun complete...

Giant iceberg

Number Sense Geometry Math and Science Ratio and Proportion Data and probability
Ferryland, Newfoundland. JODY MARTIN / REUTERS Over the past Easter weekend this giant iceberg drifted passed Ferryland, Newfoundland.  Its hard to tell how large it actually is but...

Alarming ice cracks on Brunt Ice Sheet in Antarctica

Algebra Number Sense Geometry Math and Science
  A new, fast-growing ice crack is forcing the Halley VI British research station in Antarctica (shown above) to be moved.  Fear of a huge break-off from the ice sheet is alarming no...

What's my angle?

Geometry Math and Science
I'm going to help save the planet by adding solar panels to my roof! Should I tilt the panels on my roof to more accurately aim towards the Sun? If so, at what angle should I use? S...

Rescue of the Chilean miners - The 33

Geometry Math and Science
On August 5, 2010, the San Jose copper-gold mine near Copiapó, Chile collapsed stranding 33 miners in a large cavern more than 2,000 feet below ground. A new movie has just been released about the inc...

McDonalds moves towards antibiotic-free chicken

Number Sense Geometry Math and Science Math and Food Ratio and Proportion
   Recently McDonald's announced that by 2016 they will use only chicken raised without the antibiotics that are used in human medicine.  McDonald's plans to join Chick-fil-A, Pa...

Do you have text neck?

Algebra Geometry Math and Science Data and probability
What does looking down at your electronic device do to your breathing? To your muscles? To your spine curvature? To your pain?  It can lead to a condition called Text Neck.  To learn more about Text...

The Blue Marble

Geometry Math and Science Holidays and Annual Events
Sunday, April 22nd, 2018, is Earth Day. Use this activity to demonstrate the various mappings of our 3-d Earth to a 2-d piece of paper. Students compare maps with this famous photo and check to...

Parabolic Pee

Algebra Math and Science
Mr. Mark's new little baby can make some amazingly tall streams.   Give your class a little chuckle as you introduce them to parabolic motion with this very short analysis of Mr. Mark's baby's...

Why Does it Stay in Orbit?

Algebra Geometry Math and Science
On Monday, the space shuttle Endeavor launched for the last time. The six astronauts on board docked this morning at the International Space Station to join the 6 astronauts and cosmonauts who l...
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