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February 22, 2022

Algebra Number Sense Current events
Why do you suppose we are posting this date as a topic for YummyMath? What do you think is so special about this date? Does this happen often?  When might a similar day occur?

Mystical Mathematical Mind Reader

Algebra Number Sense Data and probability
  Clicking on this image will take you to the Mind Reader online site at This activity can be used with any grade level elementary through high s...

What's interesting about this number?

Algebra Number Sense Data and probability
  Why did we put it on YummyMath today? What do you notice about this number? What do you wonder? Do you think that this happens often in a year?

Tree for Springtime

Algebra Geometry Math and Art
Here in the Northeast, flowers are blooming and trees are leafing out. We thought the creation of a tree that grows before your eyes might be akin to what is going on all around us. What d...

Will our U.S. flag change yet again?

Algebra Geometry Math and Social Studies Current events
How many stripes are in our present flag?  (The bottom right flag that has been in use since 1960; See the PowerPoint) How many stars? What do the numbers of stars and strip...

Inauguration Date

Algebra Number Sense Geometry Data and probability
  The date of the Presidential Inauguration this year can be written in an interesting way. What do you notice?  What do you wonder?  Do you think that this happens often in a yea...

USPS needs help!

Algebra Number Sense Math and Social Studies Current events Data and probability
The U.S. Postal Service has been in the news lately.  Does it seem like your mail takes longer to reach where you have sent it now?  Do you wonder why there are delays and whether things w...

How much water should you be drinking?

Algebra Math and Science Math and Food Ratio and Proportion
As we are outdoors more and temperatures are rising, it might be a good time to look at hydration. A healthy requirement for fluids can't really be the same for everyone.  Surely the amount ...

Sadly, Jorge passed away yesterday.

Algebra Number Sense Ratio and Proportion Data and probability
He was a great dog!  We wondered how old he was in human years? Jorge has been part of YummyMath for a long time. Sadly, yesterday he died.  We wondered how old he would ...

Want to earn $150,000? - Mersenne prime search

Algebra Number Sense
What's a Mersenne prime?  How hard could it be to find the next one? Why are there only 50 known Mersenne primes?     What's with $150,000?
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